take the biscuit — (ironic) To surpass everything else • • • Main Entry: ↑biscuit * * * take the biscuit british informal phrase to be the most silly, stupid, or annoying thing in a series of things This latest plan of yours really takes the biscuit! Thesaurus: to … Useful english dictionary
take the biscuit — Ⅰ. ► take the biscuit (or chiefly N. Amer. cake) informal be the most remarkable or foolish of its kind. Main Entry: ↑biscuit Ⅱ. ► take the cake see take the biscuit at BISCUIT(Cf. ↑biscuity) … English terms dictionary
take the biscuit — (UK) If something takes the biscuit, it is the absolute limit … The small dictionary of idiomes
take the biscuit (or chiefly N. Amer. cake) — informal be the most remarkable or foolish of its kind. → biscuit … English new terms dictionary
take the biscuit — verb a) To be particularly bad, objectionable, or egregious. Ive seen bad grammar, but this takes the biscuit. b) To be of no further use; to be near death. Syn: take the cake … Wiktionary
take the biscuit — (UK) If something takes the biscuit, it is the absolute limit. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** This expression refers to something very irritating or annoying. After waiting for an hour, we were told that there were no seats left.… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
take the biscuit — British informal to be the most silly, stupid, or annoying thing in a series of things This latest plan of yours really takes the biscuit! … English dictionary
take the biscuit — Vrb phrs. To beat all competition, to take all the honours, usually said ironically or with surprise. Informal … English slang and colloquialisms
take the cake — Ⅰ. ► take the biscuit (or chiefly N. Amer. cake) informal be the most remarkable or foolish of its kind. Main Entry: ↑biscuit Ⅱ. ► take the cake see take the biscuit at BISCUIT(Cf. ↑biscuity) … English terms dictionary
(to) take the biscuit — • to add insult to injury, to be even worse than first thought. e.g. I can t believe what he did, that really takes the biscuit ! … Londonisms dictionary
take the cake — verb rank first; used often in a negative context He takes the cake for chutzpah! • Hypernyms: ↑win • Verb Frames: Something s Somebody s * * * phrasal : to carry off the prize originally in a cakewalk … Useful english dictionary